Open enrollment 2024: A complete guide to catching changes + closing gaps

October 3   2-3 p.m. ET

Lisa Waterfield Headshot

Lisa Waterfield,,
Solution Strategist

Open enrollment can be a challenging time for revenue cycle teams. Millions of Americans will change their coverage or select new plans, and patient deductibles will continue to shift.

Join this session for a concise guide to open enrollment. In just one hour, we’ll help you craft a plan now to ensure your team can catch insurance changes and find hidden coverage in 2025 (and beyond).

We’ll also explore the current coverage landscape, identify where revenue is at risk, and help you take specific steps to:

  • Find hidden coverage
  • Proactively confirm eligibility
  • Prevent uncompensated care
  • Stop skyrocketing denials

You’ll walk away knowing how to use automation to confirm active insurance and avoid lost revenue, and how to simplify workflows to reduce the burden on staff and patients. We'll also pay special attention to the pivotal role coverage detection can play when it's properly automated and capable of pulling real-time results.

Don’t miss out on this chance to get an edge on open enrollment.

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