Justin Roepe, Solution Strategist Waystar
Authorizations and referrals are tedious, manual processes. Day to day, staff are bogged down by constantly calling payers and checking emails and portals. But auths and referrals are also a challenge in terms of the big picture. As inherently error-prone processes, they can cause:
- Delayed or canceled care
- Increased denials
- Poor patient experience
- Lost revenue + cash flow
So, how do we ensure auths + referrals work for and not against us?
We start by lightening the administrative load on staff with smarter tools and streamlined workflows. We automate the authorizations and referrals processes so your staff can see real productivity results. And we do it all so patients get the timely care they deserve.
In this session, we’ll cover key strategies to:
- Overcome prior authorization and referral challenges
- Streamline workflows to improve staff efficiency
- Improve auth and referral processes for a better patient experience
- Reduce denials and drive better revenue capture